De top bereikt in Engeland
Fellowship behaald bij de Master Photographers Association (Engeland) deel 2
Prijs voor 'Best Associate Panel 2012'
In augustus heb ik boven verwachting bij de Master Photographers Association in Engeland de hoogste kwalificatie in de fotografie mogen ontvangen. De huldiging was in oktober.
De trip naar de MPA 'Diamond Jubilee Awards' in Newcastle was een feest. Op zondag 14 oktober mocht ik drie keer het podium op. Tweemaal om respectievelijk mijn Associate- en Fellowshiponderscheidingen op te halen. Daarnaast ontving ik een prachtig beeldje omdat mijn fotoserie werd verkozen tot 'Beste Associate panel van 2012'. Hilariteit ontstond omdat Colin Buck, de Chief Executive, moeite had mijn naam in het Engels uit te spreken. Rob heeft dat moment met een klein filmapparaatje opgenomen. Je kunt het zien op Youtube, klik hier Bea@MPA.
Als er een Award werd uitgereikt voor 'Best Supportive Husband', dan had Rob 'm zeker gekregen. Meer foto's zijn te zien op mijn Facebook pagina. Lees hieronder het persbericht dat bij de uitreiking hoort.
Local photographer given highest honour by Master Photographers Association
Bilthoven-based photographer, Bea Blauwendraat, has been awarded the prestigious ‘Fellowship’ qualification by the Master Photographers Association (MPA) for her excellence in photographic technique and interpretation in the field of Portrait photography.
Bea Blauwendraat, of Pics & Bits Photography, had initially put herself forward to be considered for the ‘Associate’ award, the second-highest qualification within the Association, however upon judging, members of the board decided that Bea had surpassed this level and awarded her the highest honour instead.
Receiving a Fellowship qualification is the highest level in a series of three qualifications awarded to photographers by the MPA. To be awarded the Fellowship accolade, photographers must have consistently demonstrated innovative, artistic and creative style in their work, proving themselves to be at the leading edge in the art of photography.
The MPA is the leading organisation within the photographic industry and prides itself on the quality of its members. Membership of the Association is only open to full time professional photographers and there are strict entry requirements that all photographers must meet before they can join the Association.
Desi Fontaine FMPA, chairperson of the Judging Panel said: “The qualifications bestowed by the MPA are held in very high regard, so to be presented with a Fellowship is a great honour. The level of Fellowship is the highest qualification within the Association and is evidence the photographer has consistently demonstrated that they are at the leading edge in the art of photography. MPA qualifications demonstrate a photographer’s competency and give their customers the confidence that they are using the services of a properly qualified photographer.”
Building on a keen interest in fashion design from a young age, Bea says her philosophy throughout her career has always been ‘to make people look more beautiful.’ Her early career highlights lie in educating others in the field of Photography - she was asked to develop Photoshop 5 courses for a photography school in Utrecht, Netherlands, whilst also working as a professional photographer for her own business.
In 2000, Bea was invited by her teachers at the Fotovakschool (Photography academy) in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, to develop new courses and books to reflect the revolution in digital photography. However, due to the growing demand stemming from her own business, Bea decided to cease teaching in 2006 and since 2009 has been working from her own studio in Bilthoven.
Elaborating on her specialty in Portrait photography and her love for the genre, Bea said: “I really like beauty photography, it never ceases to amaze me that the women I photograph become even more beautiful whilst I work with them in the studio. I want to expose their history and their background through photography. I want their eyes and skin to come alive. To me, this makes a picture more interesting.”
Bea joined the English Master Photographers Association in 2010 and since gone onto become a member of the advisory board of the Dutch Master Photographers Network due to her vast and respected knowledge of the industry.
On recently being awarded the Fellowship qualification, Bea commented: “As a great admirer of the high standard of ‘English light’ of film and photography, I am so proud that my artistic photography is recognized and appreciated on an international level. I am extremely happy to be a part of an international creative photographer’s family; it gives me great self-confidence.”
Ook Prijzen in Nederland
En dat was dan nog niet alles. Het prijzenfestijn ging nog even door. Tijdens de najaarsconferentie van Master Photographers Network in Oosterbeek heb ik tijdens Master Competitie een Brons Award in de categorie Portret- en Bruidsfotografie en een Eervolle vermelding in de categorie Vrij werk ontvangen. Hiervoor waren 8 foto's uit mijn serie Beauty Girls & Golden Girls gekozen. Fijn om ook in Nederland erkenning te krijgen voor mijn werk.
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Beauty Girls FMPA

Beauty Girls FMPA

Golden Girls FMPA

Beauty Girls FMPA